What You Should Know About Weight Loss Surgeon Procedures

A weight loss surgeon is a medical doctor who specializes in weight loss and body transformation. Most weight loss surgeons have at least a master's degree in general surgery, though some go on to obtain a PhD. Many weight loss surgeons attend medical school before they become board certified. The first step to becoming a weight loss surgeon is to find an endocrinologist, a doctor who specializes in hormones. It is important that your endocrinologist has experience in weight loss surgery since many weight loss surgeries involve the use of hormones.

Many weight loss surgeons also perform surgery using a gastric bypass, a procedure that reduces the size of a person's stomach by using a laparoscope. A typical bariatric surgeon also performs weight loss surgery to aid people to reduce their total body fat. A bariatric physician may also be referred to as a gastric bypass, weight loss surgeon, bariatric specialist, or gastric bypass surgeon. Other medical titles used to describe bariatric surgeons are obesity specialist, bariatric physician, or bariatric specialist. Some bariatric surgeons have received additional specialized training, such as intensive training in a specific field of weight loss, such as lap-band surgery.

In most situations, a doctor specializing in weight loss surgery will write a referral to a specialist for the specific operation being performed. The surgeon will typically recommend the most appropriate bariatric doctor for the patient. This referral is an essential part of any weight loss surgeon's business. Bariatric doctors have specialized training and in-depth knowledge of the surgical procedures, so they can provide more effective care for their patients.

One of the most common types of weight loss surgeon procedures is the gastric sleeve. This procedure involves creating a small pouch that allows the stomach to shrink. The surgery itself does not involve making a big cut in the stomach. Instead, a small pocket is created and the stapling or staples that hold the stomach in place are removed. A laparoscope is used during the procedure. This laparoscope is a thin tube with a camera on the end that can view the inside of the stomach.

A second common type of weight loss surgeon procedure is the bariatric surgical procedure commonly known as the gastric bypass. When the laparoscope is introduced during the procedure, the surgeon is able to see that a small pouch is there that can only be seen by the bariatric surgical expert. In this pouch, the food that has not been absorbed is eliminated. After the pouch is made, the remainder of the stomach can then absorb the food that was consumed.

The third common procedure performed by a weight loss surgeon is the vertical gastric banding. This procedure also is known as the duodenal switch. During this procedure, the small intestine is divided into two parts. The small intestine is left functioning as normal so that the person can still absorb nutrients normally. However, the doctor attached a balloon to each small intestine as the part that absorbs food.

The final common procedure is the long-term bariatric surgery or duodenal switch. This procedure requires several different surgeries including the creation of a small pouch for the stomach and the attachment of large balloons to the remaining stomach. Although the small intestine is not changed, the amount of food that can be absorbed is increased. The amount of food that can be absorbed over the long-term varies by person but can range from about 1500 calories to about 3500 calories depending on the weight loss goal.

Patients who have had one of these procedures are able to regain their appetite, which is the most common after effect. Over time, the stomach becomes normal again so the patient can eat foods normally. Most patients are able to return to their normal eating routines within a few weeks of having surgery. Although weight loss surgeons can make a significant change in patients' lives, patients need to be aware of all the possible risks associated with the procedure. Bariatric surgery can be a safe procedure when the proper precautions are taken. Talk to your doctor about potential complications and risks before you make an appointment.
